The Shark Attack’s Milestone

This past week, your’s truly made his debut on Blog Talk Radio in bringing to the air waves “The Shark Attack Goes Live” and bringing to the table what I bring to all of you in my articles and what I write on here.   Those of you that wish to catch it can do so Tuesday nights at 11 pm eastern time, 8 pm pacific time and the number is (347) 945-6363 and keep in mind that this is just the beginning. As weeks go on, I’ll debuting segments and interviews for all of the true wrestling fans out there.

But of course, I want to thank a lot of people that believed in yours truly and helped make the first show the milestone that it was for me. I want to thank the members of the Triple Threat of Wrestling Talk which includes the Head Cheerleader herself Kasey and creators of the Wrestling Wrealm in  Mr Main Event B-Dub Brian Waters and The Real F’N Deal and No Gimmicks Needed Thank You in Dwayne Allen.  I also want to thank Jason Chinsolo from We Want Wrestling for being one of the first to believe in my ability as well as Greg Mitchell of Ultimate Sports Talk.  I also want to thank Wrestlezone writer and ROH Announcer  Kevin Kelly for being one of the first to recognize my passion for pro wrestling. I also want to thank the creators of the Podcast of Pain in E-Rock Eric Sheppard and Charlie Speed and last but not least Addie & Mo from We Talk Wrestling.

I can’t thank you guys enough for it and I look forward to bringing you my “A” game every week when I go live.  And to use a little bit of the Rowdy One himself Roddy Piper:

My name is “The Shark” Sean Williams. I am the Apex Predator of Wrestling Talk & The Wrestling Wrealm, and you ain’t seen NOTHING yet!!!!

Come Correct When You Cross This Shark.

When I started writing on here, I said you can either agree or you can disagree with what I say. I don’t care which it is and even I knew I would get a couple of haters along the way.  Mike Killam is one, Madden I dislike greatly and then today I came across THIS little gem of stupidity regarding my bashing of Hulk Hogan in TNA.  A goofy little number named Shannon who actually said this to me regarding it: 
I don’t know a lot of people that are true wrestling fan’s that hate wrestling to the point they bitch about TNA and if it’s not TNA it’s WWE. If you think either show is boring you should’ve been around for Stampede wrestling “NOW” that was boring. Chance’s are let me guess Shawn Williams is probably 20 to 27 and hasn’t seen any bad wrestling promotion in his life prior to Raw is War and WCW Nitro period. If you hate TNA why watch it? If you hate WWE why watch it? Quit being lazy and change the channel. If you or anyone else could do a better job why not apply to TNA or WWE get a job in writing storylines cause frankly this one sucks.
First off, honey,  if you’re gonna put caps and quotations around part of a sentence, make sure you get the right one.  Second, I watched USWF,  AWA, NWA and Stampede and yes, I found them boring but it was a different time in wrestling.  Third, why do I watch if I hate it? It’s called being a critic, dumbass!!! Maybe you’ve heard of them, it’s the same people that review movies, books, TV shows, etc.  Also, if you’re gonna rag on my ass, try actually spelling my name right, jackass.  Oh, and as far as why not apply for TNA or WWE and saying quit being lazy and changing the channel, really?  Is THAT really what you’re going to throw at me, bimbo? You want to go hater on me, that’s your call but if you’re gonna talk smack to me, you better do a lot better than that or just waste somebody else’s time, sweetheart.  Cause I’m not going anywhere and if WWE or TNA or ROH or any other form of wrestling has something happen, I’m gonna write about it whether you like or not.  The only thing worse than a hater is a stupid hater.  Sweet dreams, sweetheart.  NEXT!!!!!!